If you have suffered a burn injury in Georgia, you may want to claim compensation. There are numerous scenarios where an accident involving fire, hot water or chemicals may warrant a legal investigation. If another party or entity is found liable for the accident, you could receive compensation for your injuries.
House Fires
Receiving burn injuries in a house fire may result in a compensation claim. Defective wiring is one of the major causes of house fires, and is typically not the fault of the homeowner or tenant. If defective wiring is found to have started a house fire, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you seek compensation.
Scalding Water
Burns from scalding water are a common injury that can occur in the home or on commercial premises. In many cases, a burn accident is the result of defective equipment such as a water heater. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer will help you determine if your scalding burns were caused by faulty equipment; if so, we can represent you in a claim for compensation.
Chemical Burns
Although less common, chemical burns can cause serious or life-threatening injuries. These injuries can result from chemical fires, spills or misuse. Dangerous chemicals should be stored in clearly marked containers and stored safely. Moriarty Injury Lawyer can represent you if you have suffered injury due to chemicals in Atlanta.
Locked Fire Exits
Fire exits should never be locked and for good reason. These exits are designed to allow people to escape in case of fire. Unfortunately, some premise owners and managers keep fire exits locked for various reasons. This practice puts the lives of customers, visitors and employees at risk. You have the right to pursue compensation if you have suffered burns due to a locked fire exit.
Did you suffer burn injuries in another type of accident? Speak to the legal team at Moriarty Injury Lawyer to find out if you can claim compensation.
Posted on behalf of Moriarty Injury Lawyer
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