Under the premise that proper alignment of the spine and musculoskeletal structure enables the body to heal itself naturally, chiropractic therapy is a pain relief alternative involving hands-on manipulation or “adjustments.” Generally speaking, chiropractic care is safe and effective, when delivered by a qualified chiropractor that considers a patient’s complete health history and other conditions. Yet, in the event that an individual sustains an injury following an improper chiropractic technique or adjustment, he or she might be entitled to compensation. As a chiropractic malpractice attorney in Atlanta, Daniel J. Moriarty of Moriarty Injury Lawyer provides experienced legal counsel for those injured as a result of chiropractic negligence.
To better understand the dynamic of chiropractic manipulation, it typically involves a high velocity thrust, in which the joints are adjusted rapidly, as described by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. As such, patients may hear a popping or clicking sound. This technique allows for stretching of the joint capsules, which resets the position of the spinal cord and nerves. For the most part, the goal of chiropractic care is to relieve back pain, though it is also used to treat other areas, including the cervical neck region.
With this in mind, there are reported cases in which spinal manipulation is believed to have resulted in dissection of the vertebral arteries, dural tear, edema, nerve injury, disc herniation, hematoma and bone fracture. While many individuals in these cases made a full recovery, they have reported long-term mild to moderate effects.
Call Moriarty Injury Lawyer Today
Even so, many choose to blame technique over the profession of chiropractor. Thus, when unnecessary treatment is provided, an ineffective technique is performed or a condition is misdiagnosed, Attorney Daniel J. Moriarty is well positioned to determine if negligence is to blame. With great attention to detail, Mr. Moriarty will fight for justice and the compensation that individuals deserve following a chiropractic-induced injury.
For a free consultation to discuss your injury or claim, call Moriarty Injury Lawyer today.
Posted on behalf of Moriarty Injury Lawyer
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